21 Nov Caruso produces Dreamforce Tesla film for Salesforce.com
Posted at 07:54h
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San Francisco video production group, Caruso Company produced a keynote film for Dreamforce 2013. The film entitiled “Get To The Future First with Salesforce 1” features Salesforce.com c0-founder Parker Harris donning racing gear and helmet then parachuting out of a cargo plane and landing in the Marin Headlands north of San Francisco. In his Tesla S sedan Parker then speeds through San Francisco, London, Paris and Tokyo passing what turns out to be an impressive and extensive list of Salesforce.com clients.
Salesforce.com “”Get To The Future First with Salesforce 1” credits:Executive Producer: Robert Caruso Producer: Raub Shapiro
Director: John Zissimos (salesforce.com) Production: Caruso Co.
Editorial & FX: CT-SF FX: Swordfish SF
Featured Auto: Tesla Motors Model S