San Francisco production agency, Caruso Company was tapped by mobile game giant uCool to create their latest broadcast campaign for Heroes Charge. The three spot campaign entitled "What's In The Box?" features a mysterious box appearing in urban spaces compelling "passers by" to choose their...

Check out (cc)'s latest project for Dockers featuring MLB superstar Hunter Pence. In collaboration with the Dockers team, creative director Rustie Kaster and Beast editor Brian Lagerhausen, (cc) produced six online web titles and a rockin' BTS film capturing the action. The clips feature Pence...

Video production agency Caruso Company partnered with the non-profit Solutions Project to produce a recent TV spot and web film. Both were shot at the legendary Daytona Speedway and featured race car driver and environmentalist Leilani Münter. Leilani is a biology graduate, race car driver...

Caruso Company is incredibly proud to have participated in the production of "Salesforce Gives", a wonderful new film screened today at the 2014 Dreamforce event in San Francisco. The five minute piece celebrates the students and faculty of the San Francisco Unified School District and... San Francisco video production agency, Caruso Company produced the Keynote film for Oracle's 2014 Open World event held in San Francisco.  ... San Francisco production agency, Caruso Company produced a recent brand film entitled "We Are The Real Dogs" for Purina Waggin' Train. A big thank you to all the amazing Bay Area dogs and owners who took part. Woof! Purina "We Are The Real Dogs" Production: Caruso Co. Director:...

Video production agency, Caruso Company helped out Razorfish S.F. on their recent digital campaign for the launch of the new HTC M8 phone. The interactive site showcases the M8's awesome sound quality, putting it head to head against other sound-makers including a vintage scooter, smashing... Caruso Company, produced this short film to highlight's recent "MVP" event held in San Francisco. Filmed at the Omni Hotel and the landmark City Club building, the premier event showcased's enthusiastic community contributors who are helping to shape the company's customer roadmap. "MVP"... San Francisco video production group, Caruso Company produced a recent web film for Google Fiber and agency Venables Bell & Partners. The film features gamer celebs Nick Budidharma and Jase Wilson speaking about Google Fiber's innovative broadband experiment that has brought 100x faster internet speeds... San Francisco video production group, Caruso Company produced a keynote film for Dreamforce 2013. The film entitiled "Get To The Future First with Salesforce 1" features c0-founder Parker Harris donning racing gear and helmet then parachuting out of a cargo plane and landing in...