(CC) recently helped our director pal Greg Tuzin on this awesome piece for San Francisco bag company, Timbuk2. They approached him to showcase their unique custom bag manufacturing done in the heart of San Francisco's Mission District. The piece was shot exclusively on the Canon t2i...

Caruso Co. Director Robert Caruso recently completed the launch video entitled "Nervous At Home" for software startup, Path. (CC) is delighted to announce that the :90 second clip has been featured as a "Pick Of The Day" by the advertising and design site, Creativity. Founded by Dave...

Just Happy Inc. Director Robert Caruso helmed a TV spot for Chase Sapphire credit cards. The spot, entitled "Any Any Any" showcases Chase Sapphire customers describing multiple features of the Ultimate Rewards Points plan....

MTV and Billboard Magazine award winning music video by Will Smith. Director: Robert Caruso, Producers: Allan Wachs and Shari Hanson, Production Company: Industrial Light & Magic, Record Co: Columbia Records, Choreographer: Stretch, D.P. Steven Ramsey, Production Designer: Peter Hampton, Editor: Bob Jenkis....